Hub Elsevier France
Events and resources for French-speaking research.

To support academic and research professionals in France, our team created this hub which features articles, upcoming events and webinars, and much other information.
Read here about upcoming events, relevant industry news and articles.
Upcoming events
Think Education and Recherche 2025 - Higher education, research and innovation: making progress in an uncertain world Come and meet us on February 6, 2025 in Paris at the Sorbonne University's Pierre et Marie Curie Campus. This event, organized by News Tank and Campus Matin in partnership with Elsevier, is an opportunity to share innovations, debate issues and update your network. Join us for the Keynote - Generative AI: how will it transform science and its impact on society, with Olivier Dumon, Chief Product Officer at Elsevier.
We regularly organize webinars to help you solve problems, present new information or share success stories. Find out more about our upcoming webinars and access recordings of previous sessions.
Upcoming webinars
Éthique et Publication Scientifique : Prévenir les Risques / 24 février 2025 de 11h à 11h45 / Détails et inscription ici 새 탭/창에서 열기
SciVal : Tout savoir sur les classements / 6 mars 2025 de 10h30 à 12h / Détails et inscription ici 새 탭/창에서 열기
L'IA et la Publication : Enjeux Réglementaires et Éthiques / 13 mars 2025 de 11h à 11h30 / Détails et inscription ici 새 탭/창에서 열기
Recorded webinars
Access our series of recorded webinars and tap into knowledge at your convenience.
Refresh session – Scopus 새 탭/창에서 열기, June 19, 2024 (password: N3#HW+%^)
Refresh session – SciVal 새 탭/창에서 열기, June 20 2024 (password: 6L4iWUR^)
Comment optimiser votre profil Auteur Scopus et booster votre carrière 새 탭/창에서 열기 (mot de passe : GwZW4!bz)
Conseils et astuces pour trouver la meilleure revue 새 탭/창에서 열기 (password : si#Q6M8)
Piloter, analyser et optimiser son profil institutionnel sur Scopus 새 탭/창에서 열기 (password: k?25!SXS)
Elsevier and Couperin Consortium have established an agreement to support authors who wish to publish open access.
The cost of publishing open access is covered under the terms of this agreement. When publishing open access in eligible hybrid and fully gold journals, eligible corresponding authors do not have to pay an article publishing charge (APC).
Online certification
Certification Scopus
In French
The six-week online certification program includes six modules: thematic research, author profiles, indicators, Scopus APIs, institutional profiles and user outreach.
The program is free, but your institution must have a Scopus subscription.
You will need approximately six hours to complete this route in total. One hour per week, and one module each week. As the program is online, you can participate on the day or time that suits you.
As a Scopus certified librarian or documentalist, you will have the opportunity:
to develop in-depth knowledge of solutions to conduct research, identify collaborations, and have key indicators
to establish and develop internal training programs to support your users
to develop in-depth know-how and skills in monitoring and evaluating research
to share your experience in order to develop best practices and guide relay people in their developments
More than 150 users of Scopus across France have already obtained Scopus certification, an online program of 6 modules spread over 6 weeks. Here is an article that presents the training offered.
This year, several cohorts are planned again in French, with the program reflecting recent changes in functionality and user interface:
Cohort 2024.1: March 17th to April 25th, 2025
Cohort 2024.2: June 16th to July 25th, 2025
SciVal Certification
Offered in English
The six-week online certification program consists of six modules:
Getting started with SciVal
Measurement and Indicators
Institutional Profiles
Working with researchers and groups of researchers
User awareness and deployment
The program is free of charge, and is an integral part of your institution's subscription to SciVal. In total, it will take you approximately six hours to complete the program at a rate of one hour per week, and one module per week. You can choose the time that suits you best.
At the end of the program, you will be able to:
Explain how to get started with SciVal
Discuss indicators and the information that can be derived from them
Work with researchers and groups of researchers
Build reports and explain how to deploy SciVal in your institution
Nearly 50 French users are now SciVal certified. New cohorts are of course being organised this year. The format is also organised over 6 weeks and allows participants to acquire a solid knowledge base of SciVal functionalities, while offering them the opportunity to network with SciVal users from other institutions.
Cohort 1 : 10 March 2025
Cohort 2 : 6 October 2025
Research Data Management Librarians Academy (RDMLA)
Offered in English
The RDMLA, a free online professional development program for librarians, information professionals and others, is now available and offers individuals the opportunity to develop skills in research data management.
RDMLA is aimed primarily at librarians, but is also relevant to researchers. The program consists of eight modules, which you can attend one after the other, or independently, as you wish. Each module lasts an average of one hour and consists of videos, slides, demonstrations, reading resources and self-assessments.
The RDMLA and general information about it can be found here.
Training sessions
Available in French
In consultation with its consultant, each institution can determine its own training program, for progressive learning according to its needs and priorities, throughout the subscription to the solution.
These sessions can be adjusted to suit the target audience, e.g. lecturers, librarians and documentalists, members of the research department, etc.
The sessions focus on themes that are important to you. For example, they may cover searches in Scopus, research visibility, relevant indicators for monitoring the impact of publications, monitoring trends, the visibility of your institution and its laboratories, etc. These training courses are subject to change as the functionality of the solutions develops.
If you are interested in organising such sessions, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
We're here to help you find the perfect solution that fits your requirements. We're here to help you find the perfect solution that fits your requirements.
Contact our team