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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Complimentary access to ClinicalKey®, Complete Anatomy and Osmosis

Complimentary access to ClinicalKey®, Complete Anatomy and Osmosis

Elsevier Health will make several of its clinical support tools and medical education platforms freely available to support medical and nursing students and healthcare workers throughout Ukraine.

Below you will find a quick overview of each product and access instructions. In addition, you will find more resources such as training videos and customer support.


ClinicalKey is a clinical knowledge solution platform that supports healthcare professionals and students by providing easily accessible, evidence-based information across specialties, allowing them to build foundational knowledge and enhance clinical practice. Content includes leading full-text reference books and journals, synoptic content, drug information, videos, practice guidelines, clinical calculators and more.

Elsevier Health would like to provide you with complimentary access to ClinicalKey to help you find critical information while caring for patients.


Complete Anatomy

Complete Anatomy, the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform, transforms students’ understanding of anatomy, provides educators with unique teaching and collaboration tools, and supports clinicians to educate their patients and refreshes their own understanding of complex anatomical structures.

Elsevier Health would like to provide you with complementary access to Complete Anatomy to support you while caring for patients and in your ongoing learning journey.


Get started

Please follow these steps to enable your access:

  1. Download Complete Anatomy for your device of choice at https://3d4medical.com/download 새 탭/창에서 열기

  2. Open the app and login, or if you do not have an account then complete the in-app sign-up process

  3. Open Settings, My Account and enter this

    Activation Code: VCMSWO4SP1CH

  4. Your Complete Anatomy license will be automatically activated for the duration of the crisis

Contact Customer Support 새 탭/창에서 열기 with any issues


Osmosis is a health education platform that empowers millions of current and future clinicians and caregivers with the best learning experience possible. As pioneers in health education technology, Osmosis takes learning beyond textbooks and lectures by offering online educational video content that's simple, engaging, and informative. Osmosis has a library of over 2,000 videos covering pathology, physiology, pharmacology, and clinical practice, with associated questions, flashcards, and notes.

Elsevier would like to provide you with complementary access to Osmosis to support you in your ongoing learning journey.

Please note that complimentary access will be added by logging in via the web browser, and not via the mobile app. Once the account is created, learners can use Osmosis for both the website platform and mobile app.


Get started

New user - Create an account for access

  1. Click here 새 탭/창에서 열기 to sign up for a new account. Click free trial and enter your information.

  2. Once logged in, you should see confirmation of free access added to your account, which you can also check in your profile. 새 탭/창에서 열기

For more detailed instructions, click here. 새 탭/창에서 열기

If you encounter any issues with creating an account, please contact the support team at [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기.

Complimentary access to ScienceDirect; Scopus and Researcher Discovery; APC waivers. And more information on our free platforms; Researcher Academy and Mendeley.

Elsevier is making several of its support tools, datasets, and education platforms freely available to support academics, researchers, and students throughout Ukraine.

We are committed to supporting global researchers and are monitoring the outcomes of this program to inform future access programs.