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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Gender in the Global Research Landscape (2017)

There is widespread agreement that fostering diversity is integral to innovation in research, and gender equality is key to achieving this. Critical issues related to gender disparity and bias must be examined by sound studies to support a data-informed approach to implementing interventions and policy related to gender inequality. A 2017 report provides unprecedented insight into these issues.

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Gender in the Global Research Landscape (2017) - Story image

Gender in the Global Research Landscape 새 탭/창에서 열기 was produced by Elsevier in partnership with global experts to provide an analytical framework for better understanding the role of gender within the structure of the global research enterprise. Based on 20 years of data from Scopus and ScienceDirect — across 12 geographies and all 27 Scopus subject areas — the report is an evidence-based examination of global research performance through a gender lens.

Gender in the Global Research Landscape (2017) - Cover photo

Gender in the Global Research Landscape

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