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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Altmetrics: It’s a Small World After All

Usage data statistics are a valuable metric to researchers, second only to citations. Unlike other altmetrics providers, Plum Analytics has long included usage statistics as an important category of altmetrics.

Now,research usage data for one of the largest Chinese e-journals content collections is available through the PlumX altmetrics suite.

Airiti Incorporated, 새 탭/창에서 열기 headquartered in Taipei, is the leading e-content provider of Chinese academic journals. The company provides Chinese and Taiwanese academic e-journals, conference proceedings and dissertations to more than 72,000 libraries in 122 countries and territories around the world.

PlumX users can see and analyze Airiti usage data from thousands of universities, documenting how many times content has been accessed or downloaded. This window begins to capture research interaction as soon as research is published, years ahead of citations and showing interest well beyond online attention and social media. Additionally, some types of research which don’t typically see a high volume of citations or social media interactions, such as theses, can now be measured and analyzed by usage.

Altmetrics: It’s a Small World After All

As we add new collections of regional content like the Airiti e-content and usage metrics, it has been fascinating to see how local content from around the world fits together to tell the story of how a piece of research is being used globally.