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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Wikipedia coverage

Wikipedia coverage

Expanding our metric sources to include regional content has been something PlumX is very proud of, whether it is offering citation metrics from the Airiti, CSCD or SciELO or expanding our coverage of Wikipedia to include editions beyond the flagship English version.

We have expanded our Wikipedia coverage even further – with the addition of Chinese Wikipedia reference mentions in PlumX. This brings our Wikipedia language editions to 6:

  • Chinese

  • English

  • German

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

The Chinese Wikipedia is based on written vernacular Chinese, the official Chinese written language in all Chinese-speaking regions, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. Chinese Wikipedia is blocked in mainland China, however, it is one of the top ten most active editions and has the eighth highest number of active users, especially from Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, Malaysia and Singapore.

On a PlumX artifact page, you’ll see a total Wikipedia reference count, but clicking on the left-hand navigation will expand the page to show all mentions regardless of language edition, with the option to filter by specific language. You can also see that this article not only has Scopus citations, but also citations from CSCD – further demonstrating regional impact from not one, but two metric sources:

Wikipedia references - mentions

Wikipedia references - mentions

Wikipedia references

Wikipedia references