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Conditions of sale Elsevier journals

Elsevier journals: ordering information

Where to place your orders, queries and claims

Orders, queries, and claims for all Elsevier journals should be addressed to your nearest Customer Service Office 새 탭/창에서 열기.

Journals will be invoiced only in US dollars (USD), euro (EUR), British pounds (GBP), or Japanese yen (JPY) depending on the geographical location of the "end-user" address of the customer (see under Invoicing Currencies).

Payment by bank transfer, cheque and credit card is accepted (see under Payment Details).

Invoicing currencies

Subscriptions are priced in US dollar (USD), euro (EUR), British pounds (GBP), and Japanese yen (JPY). USD prices apply world-wide except in Europe, Iran and Japan. GBP prices apply in the United Kingdom, EUR prices in the rest of Europe and Iran, and JPY prices in Japan.”

Customers resident in the EU and VAT

Non-Value Added Tax (VAT) registered customers in the European Union (EU) should add the appropriate VAT rate applicable in their country to the prices. VAT-registered customers should include their VAT registration number with their order. In all other countries local taxes may apply. For delivery to Switzerland the appropriate VAT rate will be charged.

Conditions of sale

All subscriptions must be pre-paid. Most journals are supplied on a calendar-year basis; some journals are available on an any-time start basis - these are indicated in our price list. All prices and publication dates are subject to change without notice. It is Elsevier policy not to publish unannounced volumes during the subscription period, except in circumstances outside our control.


Cancellations for the unfulfilled part of calendar-year journals are only accepted until 31 March of the current subscription year. Cancellations for the unfulfilled part of any-time start journals can be accepted at any time.


Claims for missing issues will be met, free of charge, if made within six months of the date of dispatch or payment date. In the year following publication, institutional subscribers may purchase replacement copies at 50% off the published price.


Journals dispatched from Europe are sent by standard mail to all countries. Priority Mail rates are available on request. Contact your nearest Customer Service Office for more details about dispatch options.

Ordering procedures

When ordering please include the following details for each journal:

  1. complete title(s);

  2. year and volume(s);

  3. ISSN(s);

  4. full "send-to" address and full "end-user" address, including zip/postal code and country name (if this is different from the previous year, please include the old address);

  5. your current subscription number;

  6. the total value of the order.

For the most efficient service, please send your orders along with payment to the appropriate location mentioned in the Payment Details Section below.

Please send renewals before 15 December.

End user information

It is a mandatory requirement for Subscription Agencies to supply the full end user name and address details, when placing subscription orders for delivery to a different address from that of the actual end user.

Address changes

Please notify your nearest Customer Service Office 새 탭/창에서 열기 promptly of address changes, mentioning both the old and new address, your subscriber number(s) and a complete list of the journals ordered. If possible, please enclose a copy of your existing address label from one of the journals.

Back volumes/single issues/special issues

Providing set criteria is met we offer 25% discount on Back Volume orders, please contact your nearest Customer Service Office for more details. Single Issue and Special Issue prices are available on request. Return shipments for ordered and paid back volumes, single and special issues are not accepted. For certain Back Volumes we deliver Xerox copies and not originals.

Sample copies

Free online sample copies of most Elsevier journals can be downloaded from the homepage of each journal.

Elsevier journals: payment details

Please mention your renewal number when you make a payment; NOT mentioning this can lead to a significant delay in order processing.

For customers in Europe:

  1. Remit the euro (EUR) amount to our account 0007151730, ING Bank N.V.,Bijlmerplein 888, 1102 MG Amsterdam, The Netherlands  (IBAN Code: NL81 INGB 0007 1517 30; BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A).

  2. Send a cheque, payable to Elsevier, to: P.O. Box 1270, 1000 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  3. Pay by credit card - contact your nearest Customer Service Office (see www.elsevier.com) for details. Please do not submit your card details by email as it is not a secure way of sending this information. We accept credit card payments with orders placed by phone, post or on our website at www.elsevier.com. The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, Eurocard/Access/Mastercard, Visa. When paying by credit card over the phone or on our website please have the following information to hand at the time of order: the type of card, the card number and the expiry date. For postal orders please ensure you also include your signature.

For customers in Japan:

  1. Remit the Japanese yen (JPY) amount to our account 0020158165, ING Bank N.V.,Bijlmerplein 888, 1102 MG Amsterdam, The Netherlands  (IBAN Code: NL92 INGB 0020 1581 65; BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A).

  2. Send a cheque, payable to Elsevier, to: P.O. Box 1270, 1000 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  3. Pay by credit card - contact your nearest Customer Service Office 새 탭/창에서 열기 for details. Please do not submit your card details by email as it is not a secure way of sending this information. We accept credit card payments with orders placed by phone, post or on our website at www.elsevier.com. The following credit cards are accepted: Eurocard/Access/Mastercard, Visa, JCB. When paying by credit card over the phone or on our website please have the following information to hand at the time of order: the type of card, the card number and the expiry date. For postal orders please ensure you also include your signature.

For customers in the USA:

  1. Remit the US dollar (USD) amount to our account 0020158157, ING Bank N.V.,Bijlmerplein 888, 1102 MG Amsterdam, The Netherlands  (IBAN Code: NL17 INGB 0020 1581 57; BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A).

  2. Send a cheque, payable to Elsevier, to: P.O. Box 7247-7682, Philadelphia, PA 19170-7682, USA.

  3. Pay by credit card - contact your nearest Customer Service Office (see www.elsevier.com) for details. Please do not submit your card details by email as it is not a secure way of sending this information. We accept credit card payments with orders placed by phone, post or on our website at www.elsevier.com. The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, Eurocard/Access/Mastercard, Visa. When paying by credit card over the phone or on our website please have the following information to hand at the time of order: the type of card, the card number and the expiry date. For postal orders please ensure you also include your signature.

For customers in the rest of the world:

  1. Remit the US dollar (USD) amount to our account 0020158157, ING Bank N.V.,Bijlmerplein 888, 1102 MG Amsterdam, The Netherlands  (IBAN Code: NL17 INGB 0020 1581 57; BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A).

  2. Send a cheque, payable to Elsevier, to: P.O. Box 1270, 1000 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  3. Pay by credit card - contact your nearest Customer Service Office (see www.elsevier.com) for details. Please do not submit your card details by email as it is not a secure way of sending this information. We accept credit card payments with orders placed by phone, post or on our website at www.elsevier.com. The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, Eurocard/Access/Mastercard, Visa. When paying by credit card over the phone or on our website please have the following information to hand at the time of order: the type of card, the card number and the expiry date. For postal orders please ensure you also include your signature.

It is important that a copy of the remittance instruction to your bank is also mailed to your nearest Customer Service Office 새 탭/창에서 열기 and that you quote your subscriber/invoice number and order number. This will ensure that we can trace your payment and process your order promptly.

Elsevier's customer services offices

Customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa should direct their orders, claims and queries to:

Elsevier Journals Customer Service The Boulevard, Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Tel: + 44 1865 843434 Fax: + 44 1865 843970

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Elsevier Customer Service Department 4F Higashi Azabu, 1 Chome-Bldg, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0044 Japan Tel: +81 3 5561 5037 Fax: +81 3 5561 5047

Contact us 새 탭/창에서 열기

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