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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

Elsevier and CAPES share a commitment to maximize the visibility of Brazilian research throughout the world. In line with this, Elsevier has developed an open archive pilot to make the final, published journal article of CAPES-funded research freely available on ScienceDirect새 탭/창에서 열기. Currently, over 8,000 articles are freely available as part of this open archive. During the publication workflows, authors indicate their funder and affiliation. Where articles have been funded by CAPES and authored by a researcher based at an institution in Brazil, for more than 160 selected journals새 탭/창에서 열기, Elsevier will make the PDF of the final published journal article freely available once the journal's embargo period has expired.