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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Nursing skills – mastery made for the classroom

Clinical Skills for Nursing gives your students a consistent, 360-degree look at the most important nursing skills including communication, clinical practical skills and clinical decision making in nursing.

Clinical Skills for Nursing

Nursing skills training resource for education and practice

From special patient and safety considerations to the equipment and techniques used in the skill, our collection of high-definition videos, interactive learning tools, and in-depth explanations will leave your students with a 360-degree understanding of how to safely and effectively perform each skill.

Each skill has a standardized, 7-part framework that includes:

  • Quick sheet

  • Extended text

  • Interactive supply list

  • Demo video or animation

  • Illustrations and images

  • Competency test

  • Printable evaluation checklist

Clinical Skills Promo Image

Standardize skills learning throughout your entire curriculum

Content for every skill in each collection stems from a combination of Elsevier texts, clinical skills experts, and various nursing organizations such as the AACN, AWHONN, ASPEN, and others. These 10 collections span the entire nursing curriculum and are the same training tools used by professional nurses in practice today.

Help students build 1,200+ skills across your full curriculum, including:

  • Essential Skills

  • Critical Care

  • Emergency

  • Maternal Newborn

  • Mental Health

  • Neonatal

  • Oncology

  • Pediatric

  • Perioperative

  • Respiratory Care

Clinical Skills for Nursing Standardize

Why Choose Clinical Skills for Nursing?

Picto image of an Article

Standard format

A standardized, intuitive format for all specialties and skills gives your nursing program a consistent way to teach, perform, and evaluate across the curriculum.
Build my knowledge picto


Competency-based learning supports standard QSEN nursing competencies and student evaluation.
Study design picto

Continually updated

Continually updated, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical nursing skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
Clinical practice picto

Easy to access

Convenient, web-based delivery uses the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
Checklist picto

Performance data

Answers with rationales are included for all skill competency tests and a grade book makes it easy to measure student performance.
Healthcare education picto

Instructor support

Curriculum correlation guides show how to incorporate skills activities into lesson plans, allowing your students to develop nursing communication skills in practice.

Learn how Clinical Skills can help can help you meet your goals and improve outcomes.

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