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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Amanda Farley


Amanda Farley

Manager of Publisher Relations


Amanda Farley, Manager of Publisher Relations at Knovel, has dedicated over 15 years to curating and expanding the vast repository of engineering knowledge that powers the platform. Born and raised in New York, USA, Amanda brings a unique perspective rooted in her library background, with a passion for helping people discover the information they need to solve complex challenges. 

Amanda’s work revolves around content curation and partnership management. She is responsible for selecting and licensing high-quality, authoritative content from Knovel’s 160+ publishing partners, ensuring that engineers have access to a comprehensive and reliable resource for their research needs. By fostering strong relationships with content partners, Amanda plays a key role in maintaining the credibility and depth of Knovel’s offerings, ultimately enhancing the user experience and supporting impactful research outcomes. 

Her passion for connecting people with the right information is deeply rooted in her library science expertise. Amanda finds great satisfaction in knowing that the curated content on Knovel serves as a foundation for engineers to innovate, solve problems, and push boundaries. 

Reflecting on her journey, Amanda shares a piece of advice that has stayed with her since her school days:  "A teacher once told me to always consider the source of information—and now, as an adult, I couldn’t agree more."

Amanda’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of content integrity ensures that Knovel remains an indispensable resource for the global engineering community, empowering users with the knowledge they need to engineer a better future.