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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Eddie Ma


Eddie Ma

Senior Product Director


Introducing Eddie Ma, Senior Product Director at Knovel, who brings a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years in aerospace, IT, and product management. Born in Wuhan, China, and raised in Los Angeles, USA, Eddie’s journey has come full circle—from a childhood inspired by his aerospace engineer parents to leading transformative innovations for the engineering community today. 

Eddie’s passion for engineering stems from his early fascination with designing and building airplanes as a child. Though his career took him into IT and product management, he’s now reconnected with his engineering roots, driven by a desire to develop products that empower engineers to build a better, more innovative world. 

As a Senior Product Director at Knovel, Eddie leads the development and execution of product strategies that align with both customer needs and company goals. Collaborating with cross-functional teams—spanning technology, content, and commercial operations—he integrates customer feedback, market research, and innovative thinking to shape products that enhance the engineering research experience. Under his leadership, Knovel continues to foster a culture of agility, collaboration, and customer-centricity, ensuring it delivers tools that resonate with engineers' evolving needs. 

Eddie views his role as not just about delivering products but about driving positive change in the engineering community. By helping engineers access precise, trustworthy, and actionable information, he contributes to enabling innovative problem-solving and real-world impact. 

When asked to share advice with his younger self, Eddie emphasizes the value of perseverance:  “Be patient and focus on building strong foundations, trusting that consistent effort and learning will lead to growth and success.”

Eddie’s dedication to empowering engineers, coupled with his passion for innovation, makes him a pivotal force in shaping Knovel’s mission to enhance the way engineers tackle challenges and shape the future.