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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Mark Natanael


Mark Natanael

Senior Product Manager


Introducing Mark Natanael, a Senior Product Manager at Knovel, whose career journey has been shaped by a steadfast passion for lifelong learning and knowledge sharing. Born in Bandung, Indonesia, Mark brings over 20 years of experience in engineering, including 17 years with Schlumberger as a design, field, and product engineer, and 3 years with Knovel, where he continues to make a profound impact. 

Mark’s philosophy is simple yet powerful: “Continuous learning and humble knowledge sharing are the best contributions we can give to humanity.” This belief drives his dedication to empowering engineers to build on the century of engineering knowledge meticulously curated by the Knovel team in collaboration with 160+ content partners. 

As a Senior Product Manager, Mark bridges the gap between customers and internal teams. He listens intently to customers, identifies their challenges, and works collaboratively across Knovel to create solutions that enhance user experiences and drive better research outcomes. His role is rooted in ensuring that engineers not only access valuable information but are also inspired to build on it to solve real-world problems. 

Mark’s passion for engineering stems from his mission to help others learn, innovate, and contribute to the global engineering community. He views Knovel as more than a resource—it’s a platform that connects the past, present, and future of engineering knowledge, helping professionals turn insights into impactful solutions. 

When reflecting on advice for his younger self, Mark emphasizes the power of collaboration and curiosity:  “Surround yourself with curious people, learn from them, and pass it on.”

With a career rooted in innovation, learning, and community, Mark exemplifies Knovel’s mission to support engineers in their quest for progress, knowledge, and success.