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엘스비어와 함께 출판

How Knovel Supports Sustainable Plastics

Connecting engineers to the latest research, resources and tools to support the transition to biobased and sustainable plastics.

Learn more about Knovel.

Chemical equation for paint combined with data

The next generation of sustainability

Plastics recycling and biobased plastics represent a multibillion-dollar market, and organizations are looking to innovate quickly to meet a growing number of business needs.

  • Consumer demand for eco-friendly products: Across industries, consumers are increasingly seeking products with a lower environmental impact.

  • Sustainability and environmental concerns: Sustainable plastics have a reduced carbon footprint and lower dependence on fossil resources.

  • Regulatory compliance and mandates: Governments around the world are implementing regulations and goals to promote the use of sustainable materials and reduce plastic waste.

Learn more about the latest trends in sustainable manufacturing.

A graphic illustrating the positive impacts of sustainability

The R&D challenge

Companies exploring bioplastics and sustainable materials need rapid upskilling to make the most of this transition. Challenges include:

  • The limited availability and sustainable sourcing for biomass feedstocks and bioplastics, which makes the process expensive

  • Regulatory barriers to the widespread adoption, production and distribution of bioplastics, such as a lack of harmonized standards and certifications.

  • The development of efficient technologies for converting biomass feedstock into sustainable plastics requires industrial fermentation, extraction of sugars from plants, polymerization of monomers and more.

A graphic image with several chemical structures on top of a dark purple background

The Knovel impact

Knovel is an essential resource for engineers, researchers and professionals working in sustainable plastics. Knovel helps users find relevant information on biobased plastics, sustainable plastics, the circular economy of plastics새 탭/창에서 열기, as well as the latest research and developments in the industry.

By providing direct access to a wide range of technical content, data, tools, calculators and more, Knovel supports the development and implementation of biobased plastics in any engineering organization. As challenges change and evolve, Knovel is a key resource to keep your workforce on the cutting edge of operational excellence and R&D.

Read more about the latest chemical industry trends here.

A series of book covers focusing on the development of sustainable plastics

Knovel: Engineering knowledge in record time

Get materials property data, technical references and interactive tools to accelerate R&D and drive organizational excellence. Knovel helps you apply knowledge to provide sustainable solutions and prepare technical professionals for new engineering challenges.

Learn more.

How can Knovel help your organization transition to a sustainable future?

A young engineer working on a project with a laptop computer.