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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Practice providing culturally safe care with Shadow Health

Conversation-based interactions with a diverse group of AU & NZ patients to practise and apply clinical reasoning skills.

Shadow Health simulation characters

Shadow Health is for:

Nursing Students

Allow your students to practice the skills needed to develop clinical judgment and clinical reasoning, empowering them to improve patient outcomes when they enter clinical practice.


Give your novice nurses a safe, realistic learning environment to sharpen their clinical reasoning and therapeutic communication skills as they transition to practice.

Simulated patient scenarios to support learning and practise-readiness

Factoring in the realities of increasingly complex healthcare environments, new nurses may experience multiple pressures as they transition to practice – from limited exposure to diverse patients and conditions, to preparedness for clinical practise and difficulties making decisions about patient care. With use cases applicable to the classroom, home, simulation lab and clinical placement environments, Shadow Health allows students to practise and apply their clinical reasoning skills through life-like interactions with a diverse cast of Australian and New Zealand virtual patients.

Developed locally with cultural safety in mind

Built from the ground up with a team of clinical, cultural, and educational experts across Australia and New Zealand, and aligned to the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council and the Nursing Council of New Zealand’s standards, Shadow Health offers a virtual environment for students to provide culturally safe care to Aboriginal and Māori patients.

Communication skills

Through realistic conversation-based interactions, students communicate naturally with patients using their own words, helping them to improve critical therapeutic communication skills.

Emphasis on empathy and education

Each virtual patient scenario will have specific therapeutic outcomes and students will be scored on their ability to recognise when to emphasise with the patient or educate them to close gaps in health literacy.

Self-directed learning

After each clinical experience, students get real-time performance feedback to improve their clinical reasoning skills, helping them quickly identify any knowledge gaps.

Screenshot of subjective data collection in Shadow Health

Meet our diverse cast of Australian and New Zealand patients

Anthony Miller

Australian of European descent, Assessment: Health History

Nikau Kahoro

Maori, New Zealander, Assessment: Cardiovascular assessment

Allyra Watts

First Nations Australian, Wiradjuri, Assessment: Abdominal pain

Emma Chen

New Zealander, Assessment: Respiratory Assessment

영업팀에 문의하여 Shadow Health에 대해 자세히 알아보세요

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