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엘스비어와 함께 출판

ClinicalKey AI for Pharmacists

Trusted content. Powered by responsible AI. ClinicalKey AI fulfills the promise of AI by empowering Clinical Pharmacists.

Request a Trial
physician using ipad

Elevate pharmacist expertise!

  • Quickly and easily extract precise knowledge to support the expanding role of pharmacists.

  • Drive confident clinical decisions and manage complex medication regimens with evidence-based responses.

  • Responsible AI designed to support clinical decision making.

Product screenshot

Request a free trial with us today

Bring ClinicalKey AI to your institution Provide your institution with ClinicalKey AI access to experience the power of trusted, evidence-based content with conversational search powered by generative AI to support clinicians in delivering high-quality care.

What sets ClinicalKey AI above anything else that I’ve ever experienced is the ability to dialogue back and forth. You ask a question. It responds. Based on the answers that it provides you dig a little deeper and you ask a further question, and you can dialogue back and forth in virtually real time.

Librarian picto


CMIO, mid-sized IDN

Great tool. It is fast and easy to find answers that are accurate and evidence-based. I found a quick answer to treatment of hypertension in a patient that would have required 20 minutes longer to research.

Librarian picto


CMIO, mid-sized IDN

ClinicalKey AI Wins “AI Innovation Award” in 8th Annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards Program. Read the press release here

MedTech Breakthrough Award logo


MedTech Breakthrough Award (1)

최고의 컴퓨터화된 의사결정 지원 솔루션 부문 4회 수상

Developed responsibly

For over 10 years, Elsevier has used AI and machine learning responsibly in our products, combining it with unparalleled peer-reviewed content, extensive data sets and sophisticated analytics. 

ClinicalKey AI is developed in line with Elsevier's Five Responsible AI Principles

  1. We consider the real-world impact of our solutions on people. 

  2. We take action to prevent the creation or reinforcement of unfair bias. 

  3. We can explain how our solutions work. 

  4. We create accountability through human oversight. 

  5. We respect privacy and champion robust data governance. 

Elsevier's Five Responsible AI Principles