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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Perspectives on Zero Harm in the Middle East

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physicians around table discussing

An ongoing initiative between Elsevier and Joint Commission International 

Elsevier and Joint Commission International have teamed up once again to accelerate the path to Zero Harm, this time focusing on the Middle East.  

We launched this new initiative in 2023 by carrying out a survey about the Zero Harm objective throughout the Middle East. The aim of this survey was to promote a variety of discussions and resources that help healthcare professionals evaluate and make changes to continue improving patient safety and quality of care.  We are now able to share the results of the survey in our Perspectives on Zero Harm in the Middle East report. 

Watch the recording of Elsevier and Joint Commission International (JCI) webinar as we unravel the findings from our groundbreaking survey on “Perspectives on Zero Harm in the Middle East”.

Perspectives on Zero Harm ME Webinar

Zero Harm Webinar title screen

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Perspectives on Zero Harm ME Webinar

cover of Zero Harm whitepaper

Perspectives on Zero Harm in the Middle East Report

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