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Open data

What is open data?

Elsevier supports the principle새 탭/창에서 열기 that "Raw research data should be made freely available to all researchers" and authors should be free to publically post their raw research data (see Author Rights for more details).

We have developed a simple way for authors to do this, by making their research data available on Mendeley Data and linking it to their article on ScienceDirect.

In 2015, we launched an Open Data pilot, which gave authors the option to upload their raw research data as a supplementary file to be published open access, at no cost, alongside their article on ScienceDirect under the Creative Commons CC BY user license. The new Mendeley Data approach is the evolution of this, and is now available for a number of journals.

How does it work?

When publishing in one of the participating journals, authors simply follow these easy steps — for Mendeley Data:

  1. When submitting to a participating journal, authors are prompted to upload their data to Mendeley Data

  2. The dataset is made available on Mendeley Data under a license selected by the author, assigned a DOI and linked to the article on ScienceDirect

  3. Readers can access the dataset from the article, with one single click

For the Open Data pilot:

  1. When submitting to a participating journal, authors upload their raw research data as supplementary material and classify the file as "raw research data"

  2. Editors and reviewers validate that the submitted material is indeed considered to be raw research data in this field

  3. After acceptance, the data file is made available to readers to view and download from ScienceDirect under a CC BY user license