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엘스비어와 함께 출판
Photo of Dr Robin Marmaan with ClinicalKey for Nursing UI element

ClinicalKey for Nursing - Dr Robin Maarman

2024년 9월 5일

Please briefly describe who you are and your role. 

I am the Nursing Director of Nursing Professional Development Department (NPDD) at Dammam Health Network (DHN). Under the DHN’s umbrella are: Dharan Long Term Hospital; Dammam Medical Complex and 22 Primary Healthcare Centres. I have a team of more than 20 clinical nursing educators (CNE), and I facilitate all the educational activities for all 3 areas to ensure staff’s professional development that translates into excellent, evidence-based nursing care for our patients. 

What are the key challenges in being able to apply evidence-based nursing? 

  1. Resistance to change because staff tend to be keener on doing things the way it was done before. This is changing, slowly, with much perseverance through professional development at a cluster and facility level. 

  2. High patient to nurse ratio that limits nurses from attending educational sessions. This concern also limits releasing nurses to attend educational activities either outside or inside the units - patient care is prioritized. 

  3. Lack of proper facilities like simulation labs and mannequins that are very necessary to reinforce concepts of evidence-based practice. 

In nursing practice, how do you think digital solutions can help? Is there sufficient availability? 

Provided there are adequate supplies of both the equipment and manpower, digital solutions should be able to allow nurses more time to focus on the human aspect of care and allow nurses to spend time with patients. Unfortunately, there is gross shortage of equipment already. 

From your perspective, what are the biggest benefits of using ClinicalKey for Nursing in your day-to-day role? 

From the feedback I have received (the one-month access) ClinicalKey for Nursing’s user-friendly aspect was the most beneficial as well as the accessibility to current resources. 

If you had a colleague that was considering ClinicalKey for Nursing, what would you tell them? 

I would encourage them to make every effort to acquire it as it is amongst the best digital programs. These solutions help address many of the challenges that nurses battle with in terms of care, documentation, and accessing evidence-based information and patient education material. 

Note: This customer testimonial was sourced after a one-month trial of ClinicalKey for Nursing. 

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