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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Innovation in Medical Education – Supporting Tomorrow’s Students

2023년 10월 30일 | 10분 읽기

저자: Elizabeth Munn, Brent Gordon

As clinical care advances and medical knowledge expands, students are under immense pressure to keep up with the growing volume of clinical information. It is becoming increasingly challenging for students to sort the facts from fiction, with 75% of medical and nursing students expressing that they are concerned about misinformation and the amount of information they need to retain.

The use of technology in medical education plays a vital role in supporting both educators and students to keep pace with an ever-evolving curriculum. Educators and institutions must ensure that the medical curriculum keeps up with technological advances in healthcare, building a practice-ready workforce that is able to adapt to the growing demands of clinical practice.

Integrating advanced technology and generative AI models into medical education provides the opportunity to leverage them as fact-checkers and time-saving tools, but unquestionably retains the need for human evaluation in clinical decisions. The adoption of such tools enables improved efficiencies, allowing healthcare professionals to spend more time delivering empathetic care at the bedside. According to the Clinician of the Future Education Report 새 탭/창에서 열기, generative AI tools are here to stay, with 56% of students believing that it will assist clinical decisions, and a further 70% agreeing that such tools will aid in diagnoses, treatments and patient outcomes in the coming years.

Although generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way medical and nursing students are trained, a considered approach to implementation is needed. The use of generative AI should be supplemented with evidence-based content and human assessment. Here at Elsevier Health, we partner with educators and institutions to support the ongoing innovation and the adoption of new technologies, to ensure that students learn from a curriculum that is trusted, evidence-based and developed responsibly.

Elsevier Health is committed to listening to the needs of students and educators to ensure that our solutions will help institutions build a practice-ready workforce that can keep pace with the advancements in clinical care.


headshot of Elizabeth Munn, Managing Director of Global Medical Education at Elsevier


Elizabeth Munn

Managing Director, Global Medical Education


Elizabeth Munn 더 읽어보기
Brent Gordon


Brent Gordon

President, Nursing & Health Education
