Doris C. Kibiwott, Lecturer, department of Nursing at Kabarak University (Kenya)
2022년 8월 9일
Can you briefly describe who you are and your institution?
My name is Doris C. Kibiwott from Kenya at Kabarak University, school of medicine and health sciences, department of nursing. I am a lecturer and I teach many courses.
What was life like before you had ClinicalKey?
Before ClinicalKey was introduced at Kabarak University, it was really difficult to get current information or any kind of evidence-based practice first-hand. But when ClinicalKey came in, it became so handy when preparing notes for a class. ClinicalKey has current books, you can access the pages you need and download the relevant content, images and videos reflecting certain procedures and even ClinicalKey’s clinical tools and guidelines.
So ClinicalKey has come in very handy at a time when evidence-based and current practices are needed in Education.
How do you use ClinicalKey in your day-to-day workflow?
In my day-to-day workflow, I have embraced ClinicalKey a lot, which has made my work easy and up-to-date. Whenever I have a class, I can quickly get to ClinicalKey to acquire current books, current journals, and current videos among others which I use for my teaching as well as getting publications for my study. ClinicalKey is so easy and very user-friendly.
What’s the primary reason you would recommend ClinicalKey?
I would really recommend ClinicalKey to my colleagues at Kabarak University as well as other medical institutions to use ClinicalKey for the following reasons;
ClinicalKey has current clinical information
The information is evidence-based
ClinicalKey has current journals with easy-to-use publications
ClinicalKey is easy to navigate with a great support team if needed
Doris C. Kibiwott, Lecturer, department of Nursing at Kabarak University (Kenya)

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