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엘스비어와 함께 출판
Dr. Sonia Intezar, Plymouth University Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr. Sonia Intezar, Plymouth University Hospitals NHS Trust (United Kingdom)

2022년 8월 9일

Please briefly describe who you are and your role.

I am Dr. Sonia Intezar, a Trust Grade Doctor working in General Medicine at Plymouth University Hospitals NHS Trust UK.

How was life before you had ClinicalKey?

Before ClinicalKey I was relying on Trust Guidelines and NICE Guidelines which are not in-depth and most of the topics are usually not available. When I was working on the ward, I was interested in diseases, I would read about them and then reflect later on. I believe ClinicalKey offers a better knowledge of topics; it also opens the textbook version of the topic which is amazing.

What three benefits have you experienced since using ClinicalKey?

  1. Topic summary is easily available on the app.

  2. The textbook links / in-depth topic reviews. I believe these are the best thing about ClinicalKey.

  3. CPD points you get while browsing/reading about topics.

How do you use ClinicalKey in your day-to-day workflow?

As mentioned above, I use Clinical Key topic summaries in my day-to-day clinical use on the wards.

If you had a colleague who was considering ClinicalKey, what would you tell them?

I would highly recommend ClinicalKey to my colleagues due to the easy availability on the mobile app and find it very useful to read while preparing for exams.

I believe ClinicalKey offers a better knowledge of topics (than competitors); it also opens the textbook version of the topic which is amazing.

Dr. Sonia Intezar, Plymouth University Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr. Sonia Intezar, Plymouth University Hospitals NHS Trust

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