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엘스비어와 함께 출판
Justin Merande, Medical Librarian, Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital (Kenya)

Justin Merande, Medical Librarian, Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital (Kenya)

2022년 8월 9일

Please briefly describe who you are and your role.

I am Justin Merande, a medical librarian at the University of Nairobi College of Health Sciences in charge of training medical students (medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, and pharmacy) on how to access and use reputable health information resources. The university library has subscribed to various databases including the ClinicalKey for postgraduate students to access evidence-based information to improve patient care, as well gaining access to updated quick answers and content when dealing with patients mainly at the Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using ClinicalKey?

My primary users are postgraduate medical students who attend to patients with various ailments daily. It is necessary to advise them on the best approach to use in accessing updated and evidence-based information for quick decision-making while attending to their patients. We have witnessed wrong diagnoses due to a lack of updated and evidence-based information, but the advent of various databases including ClinicalKey has become a remedy to this challenge.

From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using ClinicalKey in your day-to-day routine?

  • Improved patient care

  • Access to updated answers and content

  • Availability of evidence-based information

What’s the primary reason you would recommend ClinicalKey?

Access to updated resources that provide quick answers to medical questions.

Is it important in your daily clinical activity to have access to diagnostic support tools?

Yes, it is very vital to access diagnostic support tools to aid in providing answers to complex medical challenges.

The university library has subscribed to ClinicalKey for postgraduate students to access evidence-based information to improve patient care.

Step forward: ClinicalKey - Justin Merande, Medical Librarian, Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital (Kenya)

Step forward: ClinicalKey - Justin Merande, Medical Librarian, Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital (Kenya)

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