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엘스비어와 함께 출판
Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Catherine Uzzell, Specialist Anatomical Pathologist, Australian Clinical Labs (ACL), Australia

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Catherine Uzzell, Specialist Anatomical Pathologist (Australia)

2022년 8월 9일

Please briefly describe who you are and your institution?

I am a Specialist Anatomical Pathologist reporting both Histopathology and Cytology. I am currently the Clinical Director for Anatomical Pathology Operations (Victoria and South Australia) at Australian Clinical Labs (ACL), the third largest Private Pathology provider in Australia, with national coverage. ACL currently employs the largest number of trainee pathologists in private Pathology in Australia.

What problems were you attempting to solve with ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery?

Prior to acquiring ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery, developing a diagnostic approach to or solving diagnostic issues required consulting specialized texts or online journals. This is not only a time-consuming process, but it is also difficult and expensive for an institution to acquire up-to-date specialist texts across the broad range of subspecialties seen in day-to-day practice. In particular, classification systems, molecular findings, and immunohistochemical tests are often rapidly evolving, and textbooks can become outdated very quickly. ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery provide up-to-date and easily accessible information at the desktop.

What benefits have you experienced since using ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery?

ExpertPath benefits include rapid and easy access to information. The interface is easy to use and well-organized. Excellent differential diagnosis lists are able to be cross-referenced and specify how differentiation can be made - the ability to compare diagnoses side-by-side is also a very useful feature. Building immunohistochemical panels within ImmunoQuery is easy and separates the various stains into their utility within a given clinical scenario, and I really like this feature. Individual immunohistochemical stains can also be searched providing rapid information on a particular Antibody. The ability to record and print CME lists has been a big bonus. From a training perspective, I find the ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery format fits well with the pathology registrars, increasing the use of digital information platforms.

How do you use ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery in your day-to-day workflow?

During my day-to-day reporting, I keep ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery on my desktop and access topics as required. This may be for clinical features, histological photos, differential diagnoses, or immunohistochemical staining profiles. ImmunoQuery is very useful for building immunostaining panels for both Histology and Cytology cases.

What’s the primary reason you would recommend ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery?

I would recommend ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery as they are very easily accessible sources of comprehensive and up-to-date information needed for everyday reporting of Histopathology and Cytopathology. As the subscription allows for access from the computer is also a highly portable source of information for Pathologists who may work at multiple sites, including rural locations

I would recommend ExpertPath and ImmunoQuery as they are very easily accessible sources of comprehensive and up-to-date information needed for everyday reporting of Histopathology and Cytopathology.

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Catherine Uzzell, Specialist Anatomical Pathologist, Australian Clinical Labs (ACL), Australia

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Catherine Uzzell, Specialist Anatomical Pathologist, Australian Clinical Labs (ACL), Australia

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