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Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Phil Granchi and Motherlode Diagnostic Imaging Medical Group, Inc. (California, USA)

Dr. Phil Granchi and Motherlode Diagnostic Imaging Medical Group, Inc., California (USA)

2022년 8월 9일

Please briefly describe who you are, your team, and your institution.

My name is Phil Granchi and I’m the senior partner at Mother Lode Diagnostic Imaging, a small group that serves three small community hospitals in rural northern California. We are true generalists who read everything, which is made even more challenging by working solo without a multi-specialty team in the same room with us.

What problem were you attempting to solve with the introduction of STATdx at your organization?

To give ourselves the fastest and most comprehensive online backup for the inevitable challenging cases- things we’ve never seen or haven’t seen for 10 years-- we added a group subscription to STATdx. This allows us to confidently and efficiently get through all the challenging cases we see each day without having to interrupt our colleagues who are either working solo themselves or enjoying their precious time off with their families. STATdx is invaluable to our daily workflow. As our workloads slowly get back to post-COVID normal, we find we rely on it even more.

What were the key challenges in accessing evidence-based information when forming a diagnosis?

The problem with just Googling anything is that you have to be extremely diligent about knowing who is publishing the information. Even some online journals that seem legitimate may or may not be reliable and you might never know that without a deep dive into a literature search that no one has time for during the workday. This is further complicated by the fact that journals that you know are reliable usually require a subscription, so the papers you have to read right now aren’t freely available. This makes for a frustrating online search when the ER is calling and a crowd of techs with questions are crowding around your workstation.

How is STATdx used amongst the radiologists in your day-to-day workflow across the organization?

Seamless, fast access to a broad range of topics. As generalists, we read everything and often need an on-the-fly real-time CME course in something we haven’t seen for a while. STATdx gives us that right now without more than a few minutes away from the work list.

If you could share any insights with your fellow healthcare professionals as to how STATdx is helping you in your current day-to-day experiences, what would they be?

STATdx helps us be the best general radiologists we can possibly be. STATdx gives us the tools to continue to generate fast and accurate reports despite the challenges of our work environment.

STATdx is invaluable to our daily work flow.

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Phil Granchi and Motherlode Diagnostic Imaging Medical Group, Inc. (California, USA)

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Phil Granchi and Motherlode Diagnostic Imaging Medical Group, Inc.

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