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엘스비어와 함께 출판
Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Richard J. Pacini, Diagnostic Radiologist, USA

Dr. Richard J. Pacini, Diagnostic Radiologist (USA)

2022년 8월 9일

Please briefly describe who you are and your role.

I have been a Diagnostic Radiologist for over 30 years. For much of my career, I worked in numerous fields including Neuroradiology, Body Imaging, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Mammography, and Interventional Radiology. More recently I have concentrated on Neuroradiology and Body Imaging. I currently work part-time for my original group, primarily reading cross-sectional Neuroradiology and Body Imaging.

What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using STATdx?

I needed a quick, accurate, reliable reference that can be accessed ‘on the fly’ so to speak. In a busy reading day, there is no time to adequately research the literature for answers to so many questions that arise during a typical workday. Fortunately, STATdx has accomplished just that.

From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using STATdx in your day-to-day routine?

In just a few minutes, I get a review of a subject that perhaps I have let lapse. STATdx allows me to get just a quick review or a more in-depth study if I have the time. When I am truly stumped, STATdx has numerous ways to access images and descriptions that get me to a starting point for a differential. I have found that invaluable and something no other resource provides. No one can keep complete differentials in mind. STATdx reminds me of the more unusual, even rare, possibilities and what to look for.

What’s the primary reason you would recommend STATdx?

There are Radiologists, mostly in research institutions, that are extremely focused in their work, such that they only read, for example, cases of cirrhosis and HCC. These Radiologists probably won’t benefit much from a site like STATdx. They are the ones typically writing the content. For the rest of us, the depth presented in STATdx is invaluable.

Is it important in your daily clinical activity to have diagnostic support tools?

Of course! Most of us can ‘get by’ without using support tools. However, I think if we truly want to add value to our dictations and be more a part of the diagnostic team, support tools are necessary.

STATdx has numerous ways to access images and descriptions that get me to a starting point for a differential.

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Richard J. Pacini, Diagnostic Radiologist, USA

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Richard J. Pacini, Diagnostic Radiologist, USA

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