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엘스비어와 함께 출판
CS Trust ClinicalKey

Trust ClinicalKey

2022년 10월 8일

Empower clinical teams to make informed, confident decisions

Today, care requires more information and coordination than ever. Your clinical teams are dealing with many challenges, including:

  • The ever-increasing complexity of diseases, medicine and practice

  • Growing patient volumes

  • Difficulty keeping up with medical and patient trends

To learn more about how care teams can combat clinical complexity, download this executive brief.

How Can Care Teams Combat Clinical Complexity

How can care teams combat clinical complexity?

Download the brief  새 탭/창에서 열기

ClinicalKey can help address these challenges

Enhance patient care with trusted resources – Physicians are always connected to trusted, in-depth answers and the most current evidence in ClinicalKey, regardless of the topic or specialty. Combine efficiency and confidence in their practice – With ClinicalKey, there’s no need to consult multiple sources, allowing physicians to save time by quickly finding accurate answers. These answers, based on the latest evidence, help physicians to reduce unnecessary referrals, tests, and treatments while contributing to improved care outcomes and higher patient satisfaction. Strengthen expertise in their field – With medicine changing all the time, physicians can build and strengthen their knowledge through access to the most current research and findings in their field.

ClinicalKey is your access to the most in-depth and latest advances in clinical knowledge

ClinicalKey is a clinical knowledge solution designed to help clinicians find the right answers in the right format through a wide breadth and depth of trusted content. It supports care teams with the latest evidence across specialties in a variety of formats, including full-text reference books and journals, point-of-care monographs, drug information, videos, practice guidelines, customized patient education handouts, clinical calculators, and more.