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마지막 업데이트: | 2023년 6월 23일
A distinctive editorial policy is at the core of all of Elsevier’s products. Through it, staff develops clinically-based content using a peer-reviewed process to produce an objective analysis of clinically-relevant drug information. The content development cycle mimics the peer-review process utilized by major scientific publications. In general, editorial content follows the style of other peer-reviewed medical publications such as the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. Modifications to this style reflect recognized needs of database production, standardized within internal Elsevier policy.
To ensure the most current drug information is included, the editorial team updates clinical content in a “real time” format rather than working against weekly, monthly, or quarterly deadlines. This approach generates tremendous flexibility when establishing priorities for client updates and responses to late breaking medical news, trials and previously unannounced drug label changes.
Every database update is subject to a strict editorial review process that employs a system of double checks to guarantee timely and accurate drug information. The process is ongoing and quality assurance activities are performed throughout the content development cycle. The overall editorial process is reviewed regularly for system improvements.
Because relationships between authors and pharmaceutical manufacturers can bias written content, it is important to emphasize the principles that underlie the editorial process. The editorial staff acknowledges that some level of interaction between Elsevier and the pharmaceutical industry may facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge relating to drug therapy within database content. With that in mind, the internal and independent peer-review process is designed to eliminate manufacturer bias in drug information reporting. Elsevier has implemented a single division of contact for all pharmaceutical manufacturer queries/submissions. These team members are not directly responsible for clinical data/monograph production. Editors have no significant financial relationships with the industry that might introduce bias in the editing or review of database content.
For more information see:
Since Elsevier’s Gold Standard database includes new FDA-approved drugs, new non-prescription and herbal therapies, newly published information regarding FDA label changes and relevant clinical studies affecting off-label utilization, each member of the editorial staff is assigned to monitor specific therapeutic categories for significant information for incorporation into the database. For more information see: