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엘스비어와 함께 출판

How to prepare a conference proceeding proposal for Procedia

Consider the Conference Proceedings you would like to propose, and first familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of participating conference publication series

Use this template to prepare your proposal새 탭/창에서 열기

Once you have prepared your proposal,  including all the information requested in the template, you are ready to submit your completed Conference Publication  proposal form via the Elsevier Special Issue proposal and Conference proceedings proposal submission system here새 탭/창에서 열기.

  • Log in to your account, following the instructions provided in the system

  • Choose the right proposal type you would like to submit (e.g. Conference proceeding proposal)

  • Select the Elsevier series in which you would like to publish your Conference Proposal (E.G. Procedia Computer Science)

  • Complete the different submission steps and upload all the specified mandatory files and click submit

Important: by submitting your Conference publication proposal, all conference editors agree to adhere to both Elsevier’s and the series guidelines for Editors, and general academic ethical considerations.

The online proposal review system will then route your conference proposal to appropriate series editors, who will subsequently review your proposal according to different scientific criteria , and let the proposers  know if your proposal is accepted, rejected, or requires revision.

If your conference publication proposal was not accepted for possible publication by the series’ editorial board, the process ends after this first round of triage, and we wish you well.

If your conference publication proposal is accepted for possible publication by the series’ editorial board, your proposal will be forwarded to the Elsevier conference team. The Elsevier conference team will contact the conference organizers separately with a bespoke conference proceedings agreement.  This publication agreement must be electronically signed by all the relevant conference organizers and conference editors BEFORE the publication process can start.

After the conference publication agreement has been signed, the Elsevier Conference Production team will contact the Conference organizers to provide author templates, set up publication schedule and any other practicalities related to publish your conference proceedings with Elsevier.