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Environmental Science Ecosystem

We’ll help you find the right home for your research – fast.

Environmental Science Ecosystem hero image small

Welcome to the Environmental Science Ecosystem

Finding the right home for your research, a journal that will help your work reach the right audiences, can be challenging. It may be that your first choice of journal turns out not to be the right one, requiring you to look elsewhere to publish.

The good news is you don’t have to navigate through it alone. With the launch of the Environmental Science Journals Ecosystem, six journals have enhanced their collaboration through Elsevier’s Article Transfer Service to form an ecosystem. This ecosystem ensures that your paper finds its right publication outlet quickly and offers you a smooth process from submission to final decision. Through a transparent and supportive publication process, we help you find the best home for your paper, providing guidance and advice tailored to meet your needs.

How does the ecosystem work?

After receiving your submission to one of the journals in the ecosystem, the handling editor will evaluate whether their journal is the right publication outlet for your paper. If it is not, the editor will work with the editors of the other participating journals to see whether your paper is best suited for consideration at another journal in the ecosystem. Should this be the case, the editorial team of the journal where you originally submitted your paper will suggest you transfer your submission to that journal. Upon your accepting the editor’s suggestion, you do not need to resubmit your paper, instead, you go through a quick and simple article transfer process and you make use of the benefits that the ecosystem offers.


Broad scope, high quality journals reaching a wide readership

We know how critical it is that your research is found and read by the right people. The titles in our ecosystem provide breadth and depth of coverage which include a variety of hybrid and Gold Open Access options.

Expert editorial input

The editorial teams across our ecosystem leverage their wealth of expertise to collaborate and provide rigorous, detailed peer-review, and recommend the most suitable journal for your work

Smart connections between our journals and editors

Through our Article Transfer Service, our Ecosystem experts, also known as Scientific Managing Editors, will work with editors to provide personalized transfer recommendations to the six collaborating journals and beyond. Our Scientific Managing Editors have a wide variety of expertise in the Environmental Science field and are fully aligned with collaborating journals to find the right home for your paper. Whether you accept the transfer or decide that you prefer a different journal, the choice is always yours!

Save time and effort

If you accept the offer to transfer, your article and any available Editorial and referee comments will be sent to the receiving journal. You save time as the editors make use of the insights from previous reviewers.

Your paper, your way

Submitting your manuscript in whatever layout style that suits you best including references.  All we ask is that the paper has all the key elements required by the journal, is legible, and that all figures are of sufficiently high quality to permit proper review.