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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Acta Materialia Inc. family of journals

Acta Materialia

Coordinating Editor: Professor Gregory Rohrer

Impact Factor: 8.3

Acta Materialia provides a forum for publishing full-length, original papers and commissioned overviews that advance the in-depth understanding of the relationship between the processing, the structure and the properties of inorganic materials.

Acta Materialia

Acta Biomaterialia

Editor-in-Chief: Professor W. R. Wagner Editors: Professor M. Bohner, Professor S. Heilshorn and Professor Zhengwei Mao

Impact Factor: 9.4

Acta Biomaterialia is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed original research reports, review papers and communications in the broadly defined field of biomaterials science. The emphasis of the journal is on the relationship between biomaterial structure and function at all length scales.

Acta Biomaterialia cover

Scripta Materialia

Coordinating Editor: Professor Gregory Rohrer

Impact Factor: 5.3

Scripta Materialia is a letters journal of Acta Materialia, providing a forum for the rapid publication of short communications on the relationship between the structure and the properties of inorganic materials.

Scripta Materialia


Editors: Dr. Sylvain Deville, Dr. Baptiste Gault, Dr. Evelyn Yim and Professor Hang Z. Yu Coordinating Editor: Professor Gregory Rohrer

Impact factor: 3.0

Materialia is a multidisciplinary journal of materials science and engineering that publishes original peer-reviewed research articles.

Materialia cover


Acta Materialia Gold Medal

The Acta Materialia Gold Medalrecognizes demonstrated leadership in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. It rewards either:

  • Materials research that has had a significant and lasting impact on the development of the discipline, or

  • recent work of great originality.

With this distinction Acta Materialia, Inc. not only intends to honor outstanding contributions to the field but also to improve the awareness of the fundamental importance and diversity of materials research, both within the community and the public at large.

The Acta Materialia Gold Medal Award consists of a gold medal, an inscribed certificate, and a cash prize of US$10,000.

Acta Materialia Silver Medal

The Acta Materialia SilverMedal intends to honor and recognize scientific contributions and leadership from academic, industry and public sector leaders in the midst of their careers. Many awards recognize outstanding young investigators or integrated contributions throughout a career. The Silver Medal is established to recognize significant research contributions that are recent and timely. Specifically, the awardee will have made significant contributions through one or more of the following means:

  • A theoretical or experimental discovery of a new principle  in materials science

  • Development or invention of a new process or product  in the materials engineering field

  • Distinguished leadership or service rendered to the profession of materials science and engineering

The nominee should be 45 years of age or under at the end of the calendar year in which the award is announced. Exceptions may be made for an interruption in career progression due, for example, to family or military service.

The Silver Medal Award consists of a silver medal, an inscribed certificate, and an honorarium of US$5,000.

Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal

The Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal recognizes demonstrated leadership in the field of Science and Engineering of Biomaterials. It rewards either

  • Materials research that has had a significant and lasting impact on the development of the discipline, or

  • Recent work of great originality.

The awardee should be a recognized world leader in the field of biomaterials, whose accomplishments in discovery and translation to practice are surpassing and well known in the field.

With this distinction Acta Materialia, Inc. not only intends to honor outstanding contributions to the field but also to improve the awareness of the fundamental importance and diversity of materials research, both within the community and the public at large.

The Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal Award consists of a gold medal, an inscribed certificate, and a cash prize of US$ 10,000.

Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal

The Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal intends to honor and recognize scientific contributions and leadership from academic, industry and public sector leaders in the midst of their careers. Many awards recognize outstanding young investigators or integrated contributions throughout a career. The Silver Medal is established to recognize significant research contributions that are recent and timely. Specifically, the awardee will have made significant contributions through one or more of the following means:

  • A theoretical or experimental discovery of a new principle in biomaterials science

  • Development or invention of a new process or product in the biomaterials engineering field

  • Distinguished leadership or service rendered to the profession of biomaterials science and engineering

The nominee should be 45 years of age or under at the end of the calendar year in which the award is announced. Exceptions may be made for an interruption in career progression due, for example, to family or military service.

The Silver Medal Award consists of a silver medal, an inscribed certificate, and an honorarium of US$5,000.

Acta Materialia Hollomon Materials & Society

The Acta Materialia, Inc. Hollomon Award for Materials & Society recognizes demonstrated leadership in promoting the understanding of the relations and the interactions between materials technology and societal interests/needs or contributions to materials technology that have had major impact on society.

With this distinction Acta Materialia, Inc. not only intends to honor outstanding persons but also to improve the awareness of the fundamental importance and diversity of materials research, both within the community and the public at large.

The Hollomon Award for Materials & Society consists of a medal, an inscribed certificate, and a cash prize of US$10,000.

Candidates for this award may be proposed by any scientist/engineer/practitioner or any materials related society, previous Acta award recipients, Sponsoring or Cooperating Societies of Acta Materialia, Inc., and Editors of the Acta Materialia journals and Society Lecturer will be an automatic nominee.

Acta Materialia Mary Fortune Global Diversity Medal

The Acta Materialia Mary Fortune Global Diversity Medal recognizes one or more of the following in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. It rewards either:

  • Promotion of, or representation of, women and other under- represented groups in the materials science and engineering field;

  • Contributions to the field of materials science and engineering, including teaching, professional service or research;

  • Demonstrated commitment to mentoring students and young professionals;

  • Promotion of materials science and related professional activities in the broader community.

With this distinction Acta Materialia, Inc. not only intends to honor outstanding contributions to the field but also to improve the awareness of the fundamental importance and diversity of materials research, both within the community and the public at large.

The Acta Materialia Mary Fortune Global Diversity Medal consists of a silver medal, an inscribed certificate, and a cash prize of US$5,000.

Candidates for this award may be proposed by any scientist/engineer/practitioner or any materials related society, previous Acta award recipients, Sponsoring or Cooperating Societies of Acta Materialia, Inc., and Editors of the Acta Materialia journals.

The Acta Journals Annual Student Awards Program

The Acta Journals offer sixteen awards of $2,000, four each for Acta MaterialiaScripta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, and Materialia.

  • The Acta Student Award is limited to candidates whose work was reported in an Acta journal and who were bona fide graduate students at the time the work was performed.

  • The candidate for the award must have made the major contribution to the work reported.

  • Any student author of a regular paper published in an Acta journal during any one calendar year is eligible for an award in the following year. (Review articles do not qualify).

Books series

Are you interested in writing a high-quality research-level book within materials science?

Acta Materialia Inc Book Series is aiming to publish high-quality research-based books aimed at the materials science community, complimenting the research published in our family of journals.

To submit your idea, please download and complete the proposal form 새 탭/창에서 열기, and then submit to coord.editor@actamaterialia.org 새 탭/창에서 열기.

Please contact Ana Claudia Garcia, Elsevier Senior Acquisitions Editor, at a.garcia@elsevier.com 새 탭/창에서 열기 for further information.