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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Discover the JVS Journals

As the official publications of the Society for Vascular Surgery® 새 탭/창에서 열기, the JVS Journals are a series of specialist journals which have already established themselves as important additions to the vascular surgery literature.

All JVS Journals aim to be the premier international journal of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of venous and lymphatic disorders. JVS Journals publish high quality clinical research, case reports, techniques, and practice manuscripts related to all aspects of venous and lymphatic disorders, including malformations and wound care.

Society for Vascular Surgery

Journal of Vascular Surgery

Editor-in-Chief: Thomas L. Forbes, MD, FRCSC, FACS, DFSVS

All aspects of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of vascular diseases, including investigation, management and prevention of aortic, cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial diseases, vascular access, trauma and malformations.

Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders

Editor-in-Chief: Ruth Bush, MD, JD, MPH

All aspects of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of venous and lymphatic disorders, including venous and lymphatic disorders, malformations and wound care, with an emphasis on the practicing clinician.

Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques

Editor-in-Chief: Matthew Smeds, MD, FACS, DFSVS

High-quality case reports and case series, vascular images, and innovative techniques related to all aspects of arterial, venous, and lymphatic diseases and disorders, including vascular trauma, malformations, wound care, and the placement and maintenance of arterio-venous dialysis accesses with an emphasis on the practicing clinician.

JVS-Vascular Science

Editor-in-Chief: Alan Dardik MD, PhD, FACS, DFSVS, FAHA

Experimental and translational research reporting important scientific advances, testing new hypotheses, proposing and defining new treatments and address current controversies in modern medical, endovascular and surgical investigation and management of vascular diseases.

JVS-Vascular Insights

Editor-in-Chief: Anahita Dua, MD, MBA, FACS Clinical papers, review articles and meta-analyses, and early-stage work including emerging data, trial protocols, pilot studies, in all aspects of medical, endovascular and surgical care of patients with vascular disease.