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엘스비어와 함께 출판

ALBA-Elsevier Award Lecture on Brain Sciences

The ALBA-Elsevier Award Lecture will highlight an outstanding active scientist working at the frontiers of brain research, at any career stage PhD onwards, from countries underrepresented among neuroscience publications.

The ALBA-Elsevier Award Lecture will take place annually at a conference and aired virtually on the ALBA Platforms, advertised by ALBA and by Elsevier as per agreement. A virtual medium reaches an international audience and increases the visibility of the Award and Awardees.

Alba Network logo

The Awardee will receive an honorarium and will be invited to submit a review* or a research article for publication in one of the Elsevier Neuroscience journals.

In addition to highlighting the awarded individual's scientific excellence, this prize will support regional diversity with the opportunity to publish a review in one of the Elsevier Neuroscience journals, thus increasing visibility of both the scientist and their institution.


To increase diversity as per ALBA and Elsevier's statement, the redacted eligibility criteria will be based on Elsevier's authors' metric per region as well as the representation of countries in global neuroscience conferences in the past years. ALBA will organise the nomination and selection process and is responsible for the virtual ALBA-Elsevier Lecture and professional production of the video that will be published on ALBA's platform.

*Elsevier Brain Research definition of Review: Reviews are by invitation only and subject to Editorial Board approval prior to consideration, graphical abstract required.