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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Climate Change & Reproductive Health

An article collection ahead of the COP28

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In anticipation of COP28, which centers on Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action and is scheduled for November 30th to December 12th, 2023, we've compiled a selection of pertinent articles that delve into the complex interaction between climate change and reproductive health. As our planet grapples with the far-reaching impacts of climate change, it is crucial to recognize the multifaceted consequences it exerts on our well-being, particularly in the realm of reproductive health.

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The curated articles, selected from our top international journals in women’s health, ob/gyn and reproductive biology, delve into this crucial intersection of environmental and human well-being. This collection provides valuable insights, sparking awareness and informed discussions on how climate change affects maternal health, fertility, sexual health, and overall reproductive well-being.

We invite you to explore these resources, discover the academic journals behind them, and be part of the conversation about safeguarding reproductive health in the face of a changing climate.