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Elsevier’s Clinical Skills EHR Application

female nurse hanging iv bag

Make skills support part of your nursing workflow

Every day, nurses face tough care questions they didn’t anticipate. Evidence-based clinical guidance can help them, but will they spend time looking for it?

In the heat of the moment, your nurses don’t have the time to search, so your best approach is to bring resources directly to them—by making skills support part of their workflow.

Clinical Skills in your EHR

Female physician wearing mask speaking in front of board room

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Clinical Skills in your EHR

Introducing Elsevier’s Clinical Skills EHR Application. This new application has been expressly designed so you can bring evidence-based skills and procedures directly into the EHR.

  • Put trusted guidance at your nurses’ fingertips

    – immediate access to a personalized version of Elsevier’s evidence-based information with no log-in required.

  • Optimize for your nursing team

    – provides actionable insights to drive clinical programs and make training decisions.

Manage competency and provide consistent care among nurses, therapists and health professionals with Clinical Skills

Two female nurses and one male nurse walking and talking in a hospital. One female nurse holds a file folder.