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【視聴形式】 東京・大阪会場での参加、または オンライン配信
【参加費】 無料
【講師】 特定非営利活動法人しごとのみらい 理事長 竹内 義晴先生 亀田総合病院 看護部長 渡邉 八重子先生
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申込みはこちら opens in new tab/window ※東京会場の申込期限を3/11(火)までに延長します。

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It can be used by all staff, including nurses, nursing assistants, and care workers. It can also be used for educational planning along the clinical ladder
【視聴形式】 東京・大阪会場での参加、または オンライン配信
【参加費】 無料
【講師】 特定非営利活動法人しごとのみらい 理事長 竹内 義晴先生 亀田総合病院 看護部長 渡邉 八重子先生
詳細はこちら(案内状PDF) opens in new tab/window
申込みはこちら opens in new tab/window ※東京会場の申込期限を3/11(火)までに延長します。
We are committed to providing continuous learning opportunities through our series of webinars and educational programs. Our offerings focus on a range of topics that cater to professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Stay tuned for updates on our latest webinars and programs designed to empower your practice with evidence-based knowledge and ethical sensitivity in the field.
All procedures are updated regularly once a year, and alerts from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and changes in guidelines are immediately reflected. The procedures are described with scientific basis, and the contents of your own facility can be easily reflected significantly reduces the burden of update work
You can watch the steps in a video, which makes it easy to imagine what a clinical site would look like. If you look at it in advance, you will be able to work smoothly during group training, and you will be able to solidify the basics at the site early.
Contains a variety of video lectures of 15 minutes each that can be used not only for self-study, but also for in-hospital and departmental training. Achieving effective in-hospital training
There is no limit to the issuance of IDs to hospital staff. It can also be used for statutory training for the entire hospital, achieving high cost effectiveness.
Nursing skills (meets a wide range of needs with abundant functions and content)
Nursing Skills Lite (Simple functions and affordable price)
"It's essential for students to consider why the methods they learned in school differ from those in the medical field. Students who have grasped the foundational reasoning behind procedures through Nursing Skills will, even if the methods at their training sites differ, reflect on the rationale for those actions. By doing so, they can identify the similarities."
Osaka Medical University, Faculty of Nursing
Other recommended series
Nursing Skills Video Lecture Series: Learn the latest knowledge in specialized fields, education, and nursing management anytime through lectures by renowned instructors.
Nursing Skills Specific Act Training: Available exclusively to contracted facilities with Nursing Skills, offering the common + 21 categories for 400,000 yen (excluding tax, annually).
Details on Video Lecture Series Details on Specific Act Training