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Generative AI and ScienceDirect

ScienceDirect is working together with the research community to understand how GenAI can help its customers and individual researchers achieve their research goals.

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GenAI is an exciting new technology that can make the research process more efficient and accelerate innovation by understanding conversational questions, determining what researchers are looking for and why, and extracting, synthesizing and summarizing the relevant information from ScienceDirect’s peer-reviewed full-text articles in a matter of seconds.

We believe the combination of ScienceDirect’s high-quality, verified content powered by responsible GenAI can transform the way researchers discover and advance knowledge.

We are in the early stages of experimenting and learning about how GenAI features can support ScienceDirect users in their work and have invited a small number of customer institutions globally to take part in early testing.

Customer-driven innovation is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to working in close partnership with the research community to learn from and integrate their feedback into the development of our products.

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Is ScienceDirect launching a Generative AI feature? 

  • GenAI is an exciting new technology and we are exploring with selected customers how it can help support them and individual researchers. ScienceDirect has a long history of working closely with the research community to test and develop new features, customer-driven innovation is at the heart of what we do.

  • We believe GenAI on ScienceDirect - the world's largest platform of peer-reviewed scientific and medical research - has the potential to dramatically accelerate research by transforming the way researchers discover knowledge and find the insights and information they need.

When will the features launch?

  • We are at the experimenting and learning stage, it’s too early to say when the new feature will be launched.

  • We are working in partnership with the research community to integrate their feedback into the development of any new features.

What kind of GenAI features should we expect in ScienceDirect?

  • It’s too early for us to know the exact features. A limited version is being tested now with several global ScienceDirect customers and their user experience and feedback will guide early development. Testing will scale up as we build confidence in the quality of the solutions we are building and continue to develop further features.

Can my institution take part in testing?

  • If you would like to learn more about the new solution and potentially taking part in testing as we scale-up, please fill out this form.

I’m a researcher, can I take part in testing?

  • As we are in the very early stages of experimentation and learning, a small number of institutions globally have been invited to take part in testing.

  • Please fill out this form if you would like to register your interest.