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Reaxys chemistry research tool

Expand research interests for your institution with a state-of-the-art chemistry database

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chemist looking at data

Literature, properties, reactions, and experimental facts to advance your chemistry research success

Reaxys Academic Edition provides a fast, easy way to explore and use chemistry literature and data from journal and patent sources -- all in one place.  Built by chemists and technologists, it helps chemistry researchers get to the answers faster.

Our expertly curated solution will progress basic research with:

Reliable and accurate chemical data

Excerpted from the largest collection of 16,000 journals across disciplines, with 500M searchable experimental properties

Chemists in a lab

The world’s largest medicinal chemistry database

With 41+ million bioactivity data points, to achieve rapid hit identification and lead optimization

A woman holding a molecule replica

Leading source of chemistry patents

30 million+ patents from 105 patent offices, offering the fastest delivery of new patents with abstracts and claims translated into English

Chemists looking at a computer

Simplifies and augments retrosynthesis

Provides fast access to published synthesis routes and augments knowledge with robust predicted routes -- by applying AI to the world’s largest database of chemical reactions.

Chemists holding at a tab

"I plan new syntheses, explore how to make known molecules, and learn new chemistry on Reaxys. This is a must-have tool for all serious chemists."


Reaxys user, 2021

About the chemistry data and information in Reaxys

  • 179 million organic, inorganic and organometallic substances, including data on natural products with their species derivation

  • 72 million chemical reactions

  • 500 million published experimental facts, including substance property, spectral and reaction data

  • 86 million documents from a collection of over 16,000 chemistry-related periodicals from multiple publishers

  • 30 million patents from 105 patent offices. Titles, abstracts and claims are translated to English

  • 6 indexing sources for a cross-disciplinary view of chemistry

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