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Understanding impact with SciVal

Insights to plan, track and demonstrate broader research impact.

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A group in a huddle

Charting a course for impact

Research impact is diverse, hard to define, increasingly multi-dimensional, and can take decades to be realized; therefore, it is difficult to measure. Stakeholders, be it university leadership, funders, or governments, face mounting pressure to articulate and substantiate their impact effectively. What steps can you take today to understand better and effectively demonstrate your impact and plan for tomorrow?

Understanding impact with SciVal

Whether your goal is to identify areas of distinction, inform strategy, or gather evidence of societal, technological, or policy impact, signals from SciVal can lead you toward a more complete picture.

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Discover more insights

Read the report

"66% of academic leaders, researchers and funders say academia has a moral responsibility to incorporate real-world measures of impact into standard research evaluation."

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Back to Earth: Landing real-world impact in research evaluation

Extend your mission control panel

Assess competitive positioning, identify areas of distinction and inform strategy.

How can you take stock of where your research programs are currently and build a mission control center to inform status and gain early signals of your impact trajectory?

Evaluate current status

With over 40 metrics and indicators in SciVal, combined with unique benchmarking functionality, you can develop your own dashboard to assess current status and watch for signals to better navigate your path towards impact. Furthermore, your panel can include metrics on resources, knowledge creation, outputs, outcomes and impact, with the agility to adjust your view from the macro-level (global, national, institution) down to the micro-level (department, team, individual).

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Mission control panel

Add strategic insights to your panel with SciVal

  • Monitor the momentum of your policy impact and compare with your peers.

  • Evaluate your innovation pathways with patent analyses and compare with peer institutions.

  • Watch for areas of strength and momentum.

  • Plan, execute and monitor strategies to help grow your research programs and funding levels.

Monitor the momentum of your policy impact

Set a course for future impact

As you look towards the future, you need to make decisions on which areas to lean into and which have the potential to lead to lasting impact.

You might focus on building outstanding partnerships, targeted recruitment, or retaining key staff, leading to questions such as:

  • Who are our key faculty members?

  • Who are we currently partnering with?

  • How effective are our partnerships?

Adding critical analyses and insights to your strategic reports can improve your understanding of your external and internal environments, bringing clarity to where you have strength and a competitive edge.

Compass in hand

Plan for impact with SciVal by:

  • Uncovering and evaluating your existing areas of research strength and key contributors.

  • Discovering key researchers on and beyond campus working in the focus areas of funding bodies or the government.

  • Identifying the leading experts in strategic fields of interest that could represent outstanding partnership opportunities.

Discerning and tracking existing

Demonstrate your broader impact on society

Celebrate where you’ve landed and where you are going

Which gauges can help you identify and showcase evidence of your societal, political, technological and potential economic impact?

Woman astronaut future looking

Gather evidence of your impact

SciVal’s core bibliometric capabilities, built on authoritative Scopus® data, are extended and enriched in two key areas to help add more insights around your broader research impact:

  • The connection of policy documents and policy citations from over 170 countries derived from Overton

  • LexisNexis IP DirectData patent data from 107 authorities

These capabilities mean you can gather evidence of and insights into your broader societal, political, technological and economic impact.

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broader impact

Taking the next steps to further impact

In addition to enabling you to collect evidence of your broader impact on society, SciVal’s new data sources, when combined with the robust author and affiliation profiles in Scopus®, can help your organization identify the key experts globally who could represent outstanding partnership opportunities, helping you plan and deliver further impact.

Explorer on mountain

Three steps you can take with SciVal

  • Identify researchers influencing policy at the local, national and international level to participate in policy committees or media and outreach activities.

  • Uncover researchers and research fields driving innovation having potential technological and economic impact.

  • Enhance recruitment, promotion and tenure processes, grant applications, and the development of impact case studies for national assessments.

Learn more about SciVal impact

Taking the next steps

Contact us

Research impact is multifaceted and elusive, evolving over time and often requiring decades to manifest. Integrating SciVal into your mission control panel provides beneficial metrics for evaluating, tracking, and advancing your impact. With SciVal, you gain valuable insights that enhance your ability to measure, monitor and propel the impact of your research endeavors.

What steps can you take to understand and demonstrate your impact today? Request more information about SciVal.

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