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Healthcare Careers

Collaborate with the brightest minds in science and healthcare, connecting doctors, nurses and researchers to the latest information and each other.

Explore jobs in healthcare abre em uma nova guia/janela

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Join us to shape the future of health

Work with a cross-disciplinary team that inspires and challenges one another to improve patient care and outcomes.

Improving outcomes for every patient

Help students and healthcare professionals stay current with evidence-based information, so they can deliver consistent quality care and improve patient outcomes.

Welcome to Health at Elsevier

A doctor and patient chatting in a medical setting

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Welcome to Health at Elsevier

Moving towards a bright future for global health, together

We give healthcare professionals access to new theories and advances in science, helping them expand and share their knowledge across the globe.

  • Making healthcare truly inclusive

  • Delivering insights that improve outcomes

  • Preparing future healthcare professionals

  • Using data and analytics to create personalization and localization

Learn more about health at Elsevier

“Knowing that the work I do is going to have such a positive impact on medical students and people all around the different sciences learning anatomy has been amazing. I really feel that what I’m working on at Elsevier matters.”

Photo of Ashton Luxgrant


Ashton Luxgrant

Lead Medical Writer, Complete Anatomy

Juntos, criamos possibilidades

Quando você trabalha na Elsevier, está ajudando a salvar vidas. Ajuda médicos e enfermeiros a melhorar a vida dos pacientes. Você está no controle — trabalhando mais rápido, gerenciando desafios complexos, concentrando-se nas metas e melhorando os resultados.

A experiência Elsevier

Trabalho com propósito

Seu trabalho faz diferença — para colegas, clientes e a comunidade em geral

Crescendo todos os dias

Você aprenderá coisas novas, terá novas experiências e desenvolverá uma carreira para realizar plenamente seu potencial

Colegas que se importam

Apoie outras pessoas e receba suporte para fazer seu trabalho, ter saúde e bem-estar e aproveitar ao máximo seu tempo na Elsevier

Elsevier leadership at NYC Career Development meeting 2022