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Press release

Elsevier adds 43 million Enamine make-on-demand compounds to Reaxys to accelerate chemistry R&D

3 de dezembro de 2024

Access to Enamine’s novel compounds will allow Reaxys users to cut development times and costs by up to 90%

Elsevier, a global leader in information and analytics, and Enamine abre em uma nova guia/janela, a global leader in supplying small molecules and early drug discovery services, have announced a partnership to integrate Enamine’s database of over 43 million make-on-demand (MADE) analog compounds into Reaxys. The integration will provide chemists with unparalleled access to a diverse array of chemical compounds for accelerated drug discovery and materials science research.

Reaxys is a leading chemical database that combines over a billion chemistry data points from scientific journals and patents with AI to support innovation in drug discovery, chemical R&D and academia. This new integration combines Enamine's expertise in compound synthesis with the comprehensive capabilities of the Reaxys platform, enabling researchers to access a vast repository of chemical information and facilitating the identification of novel drug targets, biomarkers, and screening compounds.

Enamine has a >70% success rate for generating novel make-on-demand compounds and can typically synthesize compounds in two to six weeks. This helps chemists to significantly accelerate the Make stage of the Design-Make-Test-Analyze (DMTA) cycle, reducing development times and costs by up to 90%.

Mirit Eldor, Managing Director, Life Sciences Solutions at Elsevier, said: “Chemists across all sectors are under more pressure than ever to accelerate development of novel and innovative products. Enamine’s high success rate has made it one of the most important suppliers of substances for researchers. By integrating Enamine’s database into Reaxys, chemists will have access to millions of quick-to-make novel analog compounds, allowing them to critically accelerate the DMTA cycle. This latest partnership further enhances the value that Reaxys offers to customers as the most up-to-date chemical database in the world.”

Enamine’s compounds are derived from Enamine MADE building blocks and Enamine REAL (REadily AccessibLe) screening compounds, and are prepared from in-stock available reagents in 1-5 well-validated synthetic steps. Each compound is cataloged with detailed information on pricing and lead time, providing researchers with valuable insights to streamline their research processes.

Prof. Dr. Andrey Tolmachov, Founder and CEO of Enamine, said: “The decision on whether to make or buy compounds is one that chemists face every day. It is typically quicker and less expensive for chemists to buy compounds rather than make them in-house – so they need to be confident that they are buying from a supplier with quick turnaround times and a high success rate. We are excited to be integrating our database into Reaxys to give even more researchers access to compounds that can accelerate the discovery and development of transformative products.”

The collaboration is supported by Chemspace, an expert in the generation and exploration of ultra-large chemical datasets. Chemspace will provide its infrastructure for streamlining order processing for Enamine.

Enamine’s compound database is available now to all Reaxys customers. For more information visit the Reaxys product page.

About Enamine

Enamine is a scientifically driven integrated discovery Contract Research Organization with unique partnering opportunities in exploring new chemical space. The company combines access to the in-house produced screening compounds (4.4M in stock) and building blocks (300K in stock) with a comprehensive platform of integrated discovery services to advance and accelerate the efforts in Drug Discovery.

Enamine MADE (MAke-on-DEmand) building blocks are a catalog of over 1 billion chemical building blocks that can be synthesized within several weeks using pre-validated experience and starting materials from Enamine in-stock reagents in 1-5 steps with over 70% success rate. For more information visit: abre em uma nova guia/janela

Enamine REAL contains trillions of synthetically feasible molecules that can be synthesized at Enamine extremely fast (3-4 weeks), with high feasibility (over 80%), and inexpensive. The REAL Compounds are created by parallel chemistry through the compilation of 143,000 in-stock building blocks via 167 well-validated parallel synthesis protocols, underlying Enamine’s approach to design make-on-demand compounds to maximize synthesis success rate.

Both products, Enamine MADE Building Blocks and Enamine REAL Compounds, enable shortening the DMTA cycle by delivering novel hit analogs fast and thus speeding up the discovery projects.

About Elsevier

As a global leader in scientific information and analytics, Elsevier helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. We do this by facilitating insights and critical decision-making with innovative solutions based on trusted, evidence-based content and advanced AI-enabled digital technologies.

We have supported the work of our research and healthcare communities for more than 140 years. Our 9,500 employees around the world, including 2,500 technologists, are dedicated to supporting researchers, librarians, academic leaders, funders, governments, R&D-intensive companies, doctors, nurses, future healthcare professionals and educators in their critical work. Our 2,900 scientific journals and iconic reference books include the foremost titles in their fields, including Cell Press, The Lancet and Gray’s Anatomy.

Together with the Elsevier Foundation abre em uma nova guia/janela, we work in partnership with the communities we serve to advance inclusion and diversity in science, research and healthcare in developing countries and around the world.

Elsevier is part of RELX abre em uma nova guia/janela, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. For more information on our work, digital solutions and content, visit


Headshot of Terri Mueller


Terri Mueller

Vice-presidente de comunicações globais


+1 908 323-9180

E-mail Terri Mueller