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Human oversight combined with technology

Maintaining the confidence and trust of the scientific community in the quality of the information we publish is paramount. We work with our editors and reviewers, and the scientific community more broadly, to ensure the integrity of published research. That includes investing heavily in both human oversight and AI technology to help prevent and detect problematic content.

Complete Anatomy - 3D4Medical technologist, sitting at his computer and designing the digital recreation of a human heart

Supporting our in-house experts

We have a dedicated team of in-house experts who work solely on research integrity and publishing ethics. It’s their job to prevent fraudulent articles from being published, and to investigate any concerns that arise after publication. If necessary, we then correct the scientific record in a timely and transparent manner. ​ 

Critically, we monitor the integrity of papers during every stage of the publishing process, both before publication and after. Manuscripts are screened at multiple points in the publication process and every concern is examined by our team.

Four academics in a university office setting, relaxed and having a watercooler discussion

Investindo em tecnologia

Investimos pesadamente em tecnologia sofisticada e orientada por dados para ajudar nossa equipe interna e nossos editores a detectar plágio, conteúdo fraudulento ou outros problemas em todo o processo de submissão, editorial e revisão por pares, bem como em artigos publicados. Essa tecnologia examina mais de 100 pontos de dados que indicam possível má conduta de integridade.

Essa combinação de tecnologia e experiência humana nos permite responder a comportamentos e tendências novos e em evolução e aprimorar nossas ferramentas e processos para evitar a publicação de pesquisas antiéticas.

SciVal Topics

Providing editors with the tools they need

Our 34,000 expert editors worldwide have full independence as they manage the editorial and peer review process from submission to conclusion. To support them in ensuring the integrity of published research, we provide extensive resources on publishing ethics and bespoke training materials. These tools help editors with the full breadth of editorial work — from receiving a submission to making a final decision, dealing with ethics cases, and managing and developing a journal and editorial team.

Elsevier branded illustration, showing a person and paper with floating pencil

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Collaborating to safeguard confidence in research

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