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Series Editor


Richard Catlow

Professor of Computational Chemistry

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences, University College London and School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, UK

E-mail Richard Catlow

Richard Catlow is Professor of Computational Chemistry at University College London and Cardiff University, UK, having previously held positions as the Director of the Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory, and Wolfson Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution. He served both as Head of Department of Chemistry and Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at UCL.

He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society (he UK Academy of Sciences in 2004 and of the German National Science Academy (The Leopoldina) in 2020. He received his BA in Chemistry from Oxford University in 1970 before securing his PhD in Chemistry from the same institution in 1973. Professor Catlow co-founded the UK Catalysis Hub at Harwell in 2013 and has served as Foreign Secretary and Vice-President for the Royal Society from 2016-21. In 2020 he was awarded a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to leadership in science and research.