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Delve into how technology and AI are transforming research and higher education

Header of technology section for Not Alone: Leaders in Focus

Featured stories

AI for Science: a paradigm shift for scientific discovery and translation

To harness the power of AI for science and society, we need to change the fundamental way scientific research is conducted

Quote by Dr Theresa Mayer, VP for Research, Carnegie Mellon University: "AI for Science — a new paradigm for scientific discovery and translation — has the potential to accelerate the pace of innovation like never before."

Connectivity is a thing, is THE thing

Internet pioneer Bob Metcalfe gives a capsule history of connectivity — and what to expect with “the next connectivity tsunami”

Bob Metcalfe quote card: "Neurons are a thousand times larger and a million times slower than transistors, but still they out-computer transistors. How do we explain this paradox? Connectivity."

Technology Contributors

Dr Theresa Mayer is Vice President for Research at Carnegie Mellon University.


Theresa Mayer, PhD

Vice President for Research

Carnegie Mellon University

Ler mais sobre Theresa Mayer, PhD
Bob Metcalfe, PhD


Bob Metcalfe, PhD

Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin | Research Affiliate, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab

Prof Christine Ortiz, PhD


Christine Ortiz, PhD

Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | Founder, Station1

Daphne Koller, PhD


Daphne Koller, PhD

Founder and CEO


This content is from Not Alone, a monthly publication that showcases new perspectives on global issues directly from research and academic leaders.