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Avrilia Konguetsof


Avrilia Konguetsof

Dr. Avrilia Konguetsof is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School of Xanthi, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. With a Ph.D. in Numerical Analysis, her research specializes in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and fuzzy logic methods. Over her career, she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses ranging from mathematical analysis and differential equations to advanced numerical methods.

Her research career consists of numerous publications in journals addressing topics such as the numerical solution of differential equations, fuzzy reasoning in real-world applications, and the optimization of fuzzy implications. She has supervised complex research projects, organized sessions at international conferences, and served as a guest editor for special issues in prominent academic journals. Beyond her scholarly achievements, she plays an active role in academic administration, mentoring Ph.D. candidates and guiding postgraduate research initiatives.