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Photo of Vishal Gupta, a Senior Customer Success Manager at Elsevier, based in the UK


Vishal Gupta

Senior Customer Success Manager


Vishal Gupta is a seasoned professional with an impressive career as a Senior Customer Success Manager at Elsevier. With nine years of dedicated service at Elsevier, Vishal has established himself as a valuable asset to the organization. His strong background in sales has played a pivotal role in his current position, allowing him to effectively understand and meet the needs of customers.

Vishal’s commitment and exceptional performance have not gone unnoticed. He has been the recipient of numerous awards, reflecting his outstanding contributions and dedication to his role. Beyond his professional achievements, Vishal has also fostered positive relationships with his colleagues, earning him popularity and respect within the Elsevier community.

Vishal has a number of interests and passions outside of work. For one, he is an avid cricket fan. Whether it's watching matches on TV or playing with friends, cricket is a major part of Vishal’s life. He is also a big fan of Bollywood movies and music, staying up to date on the latest releases. Above all, Vishal is a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and aims to approach every aspect of his life with a can-do attitude.