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Discover the Elsevier Experience

27 de julho de 2022

Por Catherine Adenle

Colleagues in a meeting in the Amsterdam boardroom

Watch a video about the Elsevier Experience, and discover career possibilities that may be right for you.

At Elsevier, we have the privilege of serving the research and health communities by combining advanced technology with reliable information to deliver valuable insights. Our work builds on a tradition that has been thriving since the company was founded in 1880, taking inspiration from the House of Elzevir, publisher of Galileo’s book Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences.

With a wide range of technology jobs, commercial and business jobs, and opportunities for new graduates, Elsevier has a part for everyone to play. When you join Elsevier, you join a company characterized by purposeful work, colleagues who care, and opportunities for growing every day.

Carreiras profissionais na Elsevier: juntos criamos possibilidades.

Overview of Elsevier employees

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Carreiras profissionais na Elsevier: juntos criamos possibilidades.


Portrait photo of Catherine Adenle


Catherine Adenle

Senior Director, Employer Brand
