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Podcast: In conversation with Larry Bacow

11 de fevereiro de 2025

Former Harvard President talks about leadership, managing institutional challenges, and the future of higher education

In this episode of Not Alone: Leaders in Conversation, host Rafael Bras engages in an in-depth discussion with Prof Larry Bacow, one of America’s most esteemed academic leaders, having held prestigious positions at MIT, Tufts and Harvard. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including Prof Bacow’s aversion to titles, his career shaped by mentorship and serendipity, the role of parental influence, addressing public perception of higher education, managing institutional challenges, and the current issues of diversity and inclusion in academia. Prof Bacow also delves into his principles of leadership and reflects on his contributions to initiatives on the legacy of slavery and academic admissions. The episode provides valuable insights for anyone in or aspiring to be in academic leadership.

Image for Larry Bacow's Not Alone podcast episode

About this podcast

Not Alone: Leaders in Conversation abre em uma nova guia/janela features in-depth discussions with prominent leaders in academia, business and technology, showcasing their insights to inspire and ignite conversation. It’s hosted by Dr Rafael L Bras, Editor of Not Alone and a Professor in the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.