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What do you stand for? Empowering nurses and midwives to influence the future of health and care

10 de maio de 2024

© Sturti/E+ via Getty Images

Across the world, nurses and midwives are at the forefront of health and care delivery, serving as care providers, advocates, educators, and leaders within their communities. As the demand for health and care services continues to rise and as systems grapple with increasing complexity, the need for nurses and midwives to have a voice and to influence decision making processes has never been more crucial.

This new report captures the insights from nurse and midwifery leaders who convened in March to attend the flagship WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR? Summit, delivered by Florence Nightingale Foundation in partnership with Elsevier Health.

Recognising the pivotal role of nurses and midwives in healthcare delivery, the event aimed to empower nurses and midwives to drive positive change and innovation within their respective fields. The report captures the key insights of the event and aims to disseminate this knowledge globally, empowering nurses and midwives everywhere to leverage valuable insights and strategies for driving positive change in healthcare delivery.

By empowering nursing and midwifery professionals to elevate their voices and actively shape the future of healthcare, the event underscored the importance of leadership development, advocacy, and continuous professional development. With a focus on leveraging technology responsibly, the summit highlighted the role of AI tools in supporting day-to-day roles and education


In March 2024, Elsevier and the Florence Nightingale Foundation convened a group of nurses and midwives from around the world at the flagship “What Do You Stand For” summit to discuss how to address the critical challenges facing the healthcare sector today. This report was developed to capture the key discussion points of the day, to ensure nurses and midwives globally can work to influence the future of health and care.

What do you stand for? Empowering nurses and midwives to influence the future of health and care

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