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Providing world class content and an excellent delegate experience

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With over 50 conferences a year the Elsevier portfolio of events provides a direct route to global researchers and industry representatives in a number of communities.

With over 50 conferences a year the Elsevier portfolio of events provides a direct route to global researchers and industry representatives in a number of communities.

Attend a conference

We organize a variety of international conferences covering Life Sciences, Physical Science & Engineering, Social Sciences and Health Sciences. We partner with the best minds in science and health to serve over 30 million scientists, students and health and information professionals.

Organize a conference

We are experienced organizers of conferences, exhibitions and workshops. Our conferences offer world class content, great delegate experience and exceptional networking opportunities.

Why join our conferences?

  • Present your latest research

  • Learn from invited speakers

  • Understand the current state of research

  • Meet with international colleagues

  • Visit the exhibition of leading edge commercial technology

  • Engage with editors of the top journals in your field

Elsevier Conferences
Conferences - Illustrations

Contact us

Organizing a conference

To find out more about attending or organizing a conference, please call: Amy Hill, Senior Conference Project Developer on +44 (0)1865 843051 or send an email abre em uma nova guia/janela.

Publishing conference proceedings

To find out more about publishing your conference proceedings with Elsevier and to submit a proposal, please visit our Procedia page.

Sponsoring and exhibiting

To find out more about sponsoring and exhibiting, please call: Joe Hames +44 (0)7913 292 038 or send an email abre em uma nova guia/janela.

Overall commitment to sustainability

Elsevier is minimizing the environmental impact of our conferences as we work towards becoming net zero by no later than 2040. Part of this commitment is to ensure that the purpose-driven conferences we organize, not only inspire, and connect people and ideas, but also implement measures to reduce carbon emissions, utilize renewable energy, and limit waste and plastic use. As an organization we are committed to enabling and improving diversity, equity and inclusion, and are working to ensure conference elements, from speakers to accessibility, reflect this commitment.