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Kirill Ivanov


Kirill Ivanov

Customer Success Manager, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Georgia

E-mail Kirill Ivanov

Kirill Ivanov joined Elsevier in February 2021. Since 2024 as Academic & Government Customer Success Manager his responsibility is to provide trainings, strategic consulting, and developing partnerships with users of Elsevier’s analytical, research, research management, and subject-specific solutions across countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

In 2021-2023 as Research Intelligence Customer Consultant, he supported the company’s academic, corporate, and government customers of analytical solutions in Turkey, Western and Central Asia, and Eastern Europe with data solutions, strategic consulting, and staff training.

Before joining Elsevier, Kirill was Lead Analyst at RAEX International Group. In that role, he managed data acquisition and the compilation of The Three University Missions world rankings. He also supervised analytical software development and academic consulting projects. Before that he held various positions in software localisation and international relations.

Kirill holds an MSc in Applied Statistics & Network Analysis from HSE University (Moscow), an LL.M. in Private International Law, and a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics.