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Here you will find all the relevant information for Librarians and Administrators who want to support authors on their open access publishing journey. Discover essential resources for librarians and administrators supporting scientific authors in open access publishing.

Librarian looking up books on computer for student

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ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s primary platform for peer-reviewed academic literature. Elevate your research and scholarly pursuits using our database of fully reviewed scientific, technical, and health-related articles. Our user-friendly features facilitate effortless access to information, allowing you to stay updated and enhance your productivity.

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ScienceDirect: a general introduction

Our team

Sarah Rodrigues


Sarah Rodrigues

Customer Success Manager


Ler mais sobre Sarah Rodrigues
Joan Sapin-Uribe


Joan Sapin-Uribe

Customer Success Manager


Ler mais sobre Joan Sapin-Uribe
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Your feedback is invaluable to us as we continuously enhance our portal and services. Whether you have suggestions, need assistance with a particular topic, or have inquiries about managing open-access publications, our experts are here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out—we're eager to hear from you and assist in any way we can [email protected] abre em uma nova guia/janela